A Veteran Detective investigates the supposed suicide of a mysterious young poet.


The Detective: (Name TBD) A veteran detective investigating the alleged suicide.

Age: 35 - 50

Days Needed on Set: 15 Days

Nia: The decedent and a troubled young poet.

Age: 18 - 25

Days Needed on Set: 2

Maya: An alluring bar singer and Nia’s friend.

Age: 18 - 25

Days Needed on Set: 3

Donny: The Property Manager of Nia’s apartment.

Age: 25-35

Days Needed on Set: 2

Alex: A petty criminal and Nia’s past fling.

Age: 18-25

Days Needed on Set: 1

Robert Votta: Nia’s professor and ex-lover.

Age: 40-50

Days Needed on Set: 1

Robert’s Son: Robert Votta’s young son.

Age: 6-10

Days Needed on Set: 1

Father Medeiros: Nia’s priest.

Age: 50-70

Days Needed on Set: 1

Bianca: The Detective’s mistress.

Age: 25-40

Days Needed on Set: 1

Ms. Blackwood: The Dean of Nia’s school.

Age: 40-50

Days Needed on Set: 1

Clyde: Bianca’s landlord.

Age: 40-60

Days Needed on Set: 1

Sarah: An addict and relative of Nia.

Age: 35-50

Days Needed on Set: 1

Jerry: A criminal involved in organized crime.

Age: 30-40

Days Needed on Set: 1

Jesse: One of Nia’s neighbors.

Age: 18-25

Days Needed on Set: 1

Young Man: Jesse’s one-night stand.

Age: 18-25

Days Needed on Set: 1

Elderly Woman: One of Nia’s nosey neighbors.

Age: 65-80

Days Needed on Set: 1

Shrouded Man: A mysterious figure who confronts The Detective.

Age: 30-50

Days Needed on Set: 1

BCI Detective 1: Detective at the scene of Nia’s death.

Age: 35-50

Days Needed on Set: 1

BCI Detective 2: Detective at the scene of Nia’s death.

Age: 30-50

Days Needed on Set: 1

MC: MC at Maya’s bar.

Age: 25-40

Days Needed on Set: 1

Upright Bass: One of Maya’s musicians.

Age: (N/A)

Days Needed on Set: 1

Trumpet Player: One of Maya’s musicians.

Age: (N/A)

Days Needed on Set: 1

Bartender: Bartender at Maya’s bar.

Age: 40-60

Days Needed on Set: 1

Actors are welcome to submit to multiple roles.

Extras are also needed for the bar scene!



Script Supervisor

Costume Designer

Set Designer

Jazz Composer

Prop Master

Location Scout